Talk:Chapter 2 - Qubits and Collections of Qubits

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A lot of math formulas and the difference between HTML and PNG formatting.

These inserted at the end of the equation (just before the close math tag) will force PNG rendering (from the page above):


The symbol be used to represent the identity matrix. It would replace \Bid

OK, totally hacked equation (2.1), but it worked. At least it is displayed fairly nicely. Perhaps a shortcut can be created which will enable us to define an equation environment for ourselves. One thing which should be able to be changed is the left-alignment that the table environment does automatically. We should be able to change the right column to align on the right. This would enable a fairly robust(?) equation environment to be easily defined. I didn't find anything like that on the help page for tables where I got the idea for this under "Table Headers":

The bad part about this hack is that it will definitely leave an extra blank line above the equation since the alignment is defined by the headers for the table. In this case the headers are blank, but there are spaces to define the alignment of the table. Is there a negative vertical space that we can insert to fix this? (There is one in LaTeX.)