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[ [n,k,d] ] code: A code using n qubits to encode k logical qubits to correct (d-1)/2 errors (d will be odd).

Abelian group: A group whose elements all commute.

Abelian subgroup (see abelian group and subgroup)

Adjoint (of a matrix): The transpose complex conjugate of an operator.

Ancilla: An ancillary (or extra) qubit not used directly in the computation, but used for other purposes, e.g. error correction.

Angular momentum:

Anti-commutation: Two operators anti-commute when AB+BA=0.


Bath system:

Bell's theorem

Bit flip error: An error which takes to and to . The operator which does this is the Pauli operator .

Bloch sphere:

Block diagonal matrix: A matrix which has non-zero elements only in blocks along the diagonal.

Bra-ket notation:


Checksum (see dot product)

Classical bit: A classical bit is represented by two different states of a classical system, which are represented by 1 and 0. (1.3)

Closed system:



Commutator: The commutator of A and B, signified by [A,B], is AB-BA. Its value may be found by implementing the operators of A and B on a test function. If something has a commutator of zero, it is said to commute.

Complex conjugate:

Complex number: A complex number has a real and imaginary part. A complex number can be represented in the form or ,.

Controlled not (CNOT gate):

Controlled operation: An operation on a state or set of states that is conditioned on another state or set of states.

Coset of a group

CSS codes

Cyclic group

Dagger (see hermitian conjugate)

Definite matrix (see matrix properties)

Degenerate: Having more than one of the same eigenvalue.

Density matrix

Density operator

Depolarizing error

Determinant: When rows or columns of a matrix are taken as vectors, the determinant is the volume enclosed by those vectors and corresponding parallel vectors creating parallelograms. Determinants only exist for square matrices.

Diagonalizable: A matrix is diagonalizable when it can be put into the form , where and exist and are inverses.

Differentiable manifold

Dirac delta function

Dirac notation (see bra-ket notation)

Disjointness condition

Distance of a quantum error correcting code

DiVincenzo's requirements for quantum computing

Dot product: The scalar that results when two vectors have their corresponding components multiplied, and each of these products summed.

Dual matrix

Dual of a code

Eigenfunction, eigenvalue, eigenvector: If where is a matrix, is a scalar and is a vector, then is the eigenvector and is the eigenvalue. If is a function, it is called an eigenfunction.

Entangled state

Environment (see Bath system)

EPR paradox

Epsilon tensor

Equivalent representation

Error syndrome

Euler angle parametrization

Euler's law:

Expectation value:

Exponentiating a matrix (see matrix exponential)

Faithful representation


Gate (see Quantum gate)

General linear group

Generators of a group

Generator matrix

Gram-Schmidt decomposition (see Schmidt decomposition)


Grover's algorithm

bar (): Planck's constant divided by , is Planck's constant

Hadamard gate

Hamming bound

Hamming code

Hamming distance

Hamming weight

Hamiltonian: The operator for all conservative (able to be transformed) energy in the system. In quantum mechanics most energy is conservative.

Heisenberg exchange interaction (8.5.2):

Heisenberg uncertainty principle (see uncertainty principle)

Hermitian: An operator whose transpose equals its complex conjugate.

Hermitian conjugate: The transpose complex conjugate of an operator.

Hidden variable theory (see also local hidden variable theory):

Hilbert-Schmidt inner product (2.4)

Hilbert space


: square root of negative one

Identity matrix: A matrix of zeros except for the diagonal, where each element is 1. Multiplying any matrix of the same dimension by it leaves the original matrix unchanged.

Inner product (see dot product)

Inverse of a matrix: A matrix's inverse is the matrix which, when they are multiplied together, yield an identity matrix.

Invertible matrix: A matrix for which an inverse exists.

Isolated system (see Closed system)


Isotropy group or Isotropy subgroup (see stabilizer)

Jacobi identity

Ket: See bra-ket notation

Kraus representation (or Kraus decomposition) (see SMR representation)

Kronecker delta

Levi-Civita symbol (see epsilon tensor)

Lie algebra

Lie group

Linear code

Linear combination: A set of vectors each multiplied by a scalar and summed to equal a desired vector. A complete basis has a linear combination for all vectors of that dimension.

Linear map: A transformation from one vector to another using one operator once.

Little group (see stabilizer)

Local actions

Local hidden variable theory (see also hidden variable theory):

Logical bit

Matrix exponential

Matrix properties

Matrix transformation


Minimum distance

Modular arithmetic: When a number is divided into another and does not go evenly, there is left a remainder. Modular arithmetic takes the information about what number was used to divide and what remainder is left to calculate how it will interact with another number. For example, 13 can go into 5 twice with remainder 3, so its representation is 3mod 5, (pronounced "three modulo 5) which it has in common with any number satisfying 3+5x where x is an integer. This usage of modulo has nothing to do with the physics usage of modulus.


n,k,d code (see [n,k,d] code)

No cloning theorem: No operator can duplicate an arbitrary quantum state.


Non-degenerate code


Normalization: A process of scaling some set of numbers or functions in order that an operation including them returns a desired value. For instance the set of all possible probabilities is usually scaled or normalized so they sum to one.

One-to-one: A mapping where each domain element is mapped to exactly one range element, and each range element is mapped from one domain element.

Onto: A mapping where each domain element mapped to at most one range element.

Open system


Operator-sum representation (see SMR representation)

Order of a group

Ordered basis

Orthogonal: Two vectors are orthogonal when their dot product is zero.

Outer product

P gate (not the phase gate):


Parity check (see inner product)

Parity check matrix

Partial trace

Partition of a group

Pauli group

Pauli matrices: The X,Y,Z gates.


Phase flip error

Phase gate: See Z gate

Planck's constant:


Positive definite and semidefinite matrix: A positive definite matrix is one whose eigenvalues are all greater than zero. A positive semidefinite matrix has no negative eigenvalues.

Probability for existing in a state:

Projector: A transformation such that .

Projection postulate

Pure state

QKD: See quantum key distribution

Quantum bit: See Qubit

Quantum cryptography

Quantum dense coding

Quantum gate: A unitary transformation applied to one or more qubits.

Quantum hamming bound

Quantum key distribution:

Quantum NOT gate: see X gate, but be careful, the NOT gate is only defined for qubits.

Qubit: A Qubit is represented by two states of a quantum mechanical system. (1.3)


Rate of a code

Reduced density operator

Representation space

Reversibility of a quantum operation: For every operation on a qubit there exists an operation which restores the state to its original function.

RSA encryption

Schmidt decomposition

Schrodinger's Equation

Set: Any mathematical construct.

Shor's algorithm

Shor's nine-bit quantum error correcting code

Similarity transformation

Singular values

Singular value decomposition

SMR representation

Special unitary matrix


Spooky action at a distance

Stabilizers of a group

Stabilizer code

Standard deviation

Stationary subgroup (see stabilizer)

Stirling's formula


Superposition: A qubit state in superposition, may be written as where and are complex numbers.

Syndrome measurement

Taylor expansion


Tensor product

Trace: The sum of the diagonal elements of a matrix.


Trivial representation

Turing machine

Uncertainty principle

Unitary matrix

Unitary transformation: A transformation which leaves the magnitude of any object it transforms the same.

Universal quantum computing: See Universal set of gates (universality).

Universal set of gates (universality) (2.6)


Vector: A quantity with both magnitude and direction.

Vector space

Weight of a vector (see Hamming weight)

Weight of an operator: The number of non-identity elements in the tensor product.

Wigner-Clebsch-Gordon Coefficients

X gate (2.3.2)

Y gate

Z gate, or phase-flip gate (2.3.2)