Chapter 13 - Topological Quantum Error Correction

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Surface Code


Surface codes are topological quantum error-correcting codes in which we can think of qubits being arranged on a 2-D lattice of qubits with only nearest neighbor interactions. This in practice may prove to be a very useful feature, since for many systems interacting qubits that are close to each other is substantially less difficult than ones that are further apart. We can think of physical qubits as being arranged on the edges of a lattice as shown in Figure 1. An example of the surface code are toric code and planar code, the main difference between both of them is the boundary condition. In the toric code, the boundaries are periodic whereas in the case of the planar code, the boundaries are not periodic. In the toric code, the qubits are arranged on a lattice which can be thought of as spread over a surface of a torus, and in a planar code case we think of the data qubits as living on a simple 2-D plane and ancilla qubits on the faces and the intersections.

Figure 1
A two-dimensional array implementation of the surface code. Data qubits are open circles, measurements (ancilla) qubits are filled circles.
The yellow area is to measure-Z qubits while the green area is to measure-X qubits.

The stabilizer generators for the surface code are the tensor products of Z on the four data qubits around each face, and the tensor products of X on the four data qubits around each intersection. Neighbouring stabilizers share two data qubits ensuring that adjacent X and Z stabilizers commute. The qubit Z eigenstate are called the ground state and the excited state . The ground state is the +1 eigenstate of Z, with , and the excited state is the -1 eigenstate, with . It is tempting to think of the qubit as a kind of quantum transistor, with the ground state corresponding to "off" and the excited state to "on". However, in distinct contrast to a classical logical element, a qubit can exist in a superposition of its eigenstate, , so a qubit can be both "off" and on" at the same time. A measurment M_Z of the qubit will however return only one of two possible measurement outcomes,+1 with the qubit state projected to , or -1 with the qubit state projected to .

A planar code has four boundaries, two that are called “smooth” and two that are called “rough”. Smooth boundaries have four-term Z stabilizer generators, and three-term X stabilizer generators, whereas rough boundaries have four-term X stabilizer generators and three-term Z stabilizer generators. A planar code, with two rough and two smooth boundaries can encode a single logical qubit (as in Figure 2). Also look at it is an excellent reference as it represents a comprehensive review of the surface code, also written for the absolute beginner.

Figure 2
Examples of smooth and rough boundaries. This figure has been copied with a permission from the authors of Ref.2