Chapter 3 - Physics of Quantum Information

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It was a great realization that information is physical and that a (classical) Turing machine is not the end of the story of computation. The physical system in which the information is stored and manipulated is important and qubits are quite different from bits.

In this chapter, some background in quantum mechanics is provided. Not all of this chapter will be directly relevant to our discussion, but it is included for the sake of completeness of our understanding of how quantum mechanics from a textbook is related to quantum computing. The connection is, as of yet, clear but the story seems incomplete from a physicists perspective and for the subject of error prevention methods, some of this chapter will be vital. In particular, the section(s) concerning the density matrix. Not only is this vital, but not usually covered in most quantum mechanics classes, either undergraduate or graduate.

It is also worth emphasizing that this chapter is primarily aimed at physicists and for those others which are interested in the background physics. It is not necessary for much of what follows.