Chapter 9 - Quantum Error Correcting Codes

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If one were to encode the information contained in some set of quantum states in such a way as to enable the information to be stored redundantly, then it would be possible to use the redundancy to detect and correct errors. Quantum error correcting codes aim to encode quantum information into states in just such a redundant fashion. It is worth noting that classical error correcting codes and coding theory has been around a long time. However, quantum error correction requires extra care when measuring to detect and correct errors. In this chapter, simple examples of quantum error correcting codes are given which correct errors in quantum computation. A later chapter will discuss more general concerns.

Bit-flip Errors: A Classical Code

A classical bit-flip error would turn a 0 into a 1 and a 1 into a 0. A classical error correcting code which protects against such bit-flip errors is the following code. Rather than use the state 0, the state is encoded redundantly; the state 000 is used. In this case, if the probability is that a bit flip occurs, then