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Department of Physics

Novel Materials and heterostructures Laboratory


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Novel Materials and Heterostructures Laboratory

Our research is in the area of Experimental Condensed Matter and Materials Physics, focused on growth and physical properties of novel electronic and magnetic materials. Advances in experimental and theoretical techniques allow us to grow and investigate materials with unprecedented detail and accuracy. In our lab we pay attention to every aspect of materials research, namely growth, physical property investigation, theory, and device applications. The overarching goal is to discover novel materials and heterostructures and realize their application potential.

Experimental methods employed are growth of thin-film and bulk materials; structural, magnetic and physical property investigation methods (X-ray reflectivity and diffraction, magnetometry, scanning probe microscopy, transport); and optical spectroscopy. We also spend sufficient effort designing new materials using first-principles calculations, and collaborate heavily with theorists.

Please check out the various information and links provided in this website and feel free to contact with any question.

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