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Symbol Definition
Hilbert Space
The set of complex numbers
The set of real numbers
Chapter 2 - Qubits and Collections of Qubits
The Hadamard gate (see Section 2.3.2, Section 5.4, Eq. 2.16, and Eq. 5.10)
The Pauli X matrix (see Table 2.1)
The Pauli Y matrix (see Table 2.1)
The Pauli Z matrix (see Table 2.1)
The Kronecker delta (see Equation C.17)
Epsilon (see Equation C.8)
The Tensor Product (see Section C.7)
Chapter 3 - Physics of Quantum Information
The Hamiltonian
H-bar (Planck's constant divided by )
The Unitary Matrix
The Density Matrix or Density Operator (see Appendix E - Density Operator: Extensions)
The trace of a matrix (see Section C.3.5)
The determinant of a matrix (see Section C.3.6)
A unit vector (see Section C.5.1)
Eigenvalues (see Section C.6)
The expectation value of an operator
Chapter 4 - Entanglement
A possible hidden variable
Local operations (see Eq. 4.11)
Local transformations (see Eq. 4.12)
Bell States (see Eq. 4.14)
The partial trace over one of the subsystems (particle states) of a composite system (see Eq. 4.19)
Chapter 5 - Quantum Information
The variance of an observable (see Eq. 5.4)
The Hadamard gate (see Section 2.3.2, Section 5.4, Eq. 2.16, and Eq. 5.10)
, Polarization states of photons (see Figure 5.1 and Table 5.1)
Chapter 6 - Noise in Quantum Systems
A linear map (see Eqs. 6.1 - 6.14)
The mapping matrix (see Eqs. 6.6 - 6.12)
The Hamiltonian for the system alone (see Eq. 6.15)
The Hamiltonian for the bath alone (see Eq. 6.15)
Operator on the system (see Eq. 6.15)
Operator on the bath (see Eq. 6.15)
The initial density matrix of the (open) system (see Eq. 6.16)
The initial density matrix of the bath (see Eq. 6.16)
Chapter 7 - Quantum Error Correcting Codes