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- We start with an example of the Electrical analog of the Mechanical Vibrations,
- In the last lectures, we have discussed the effect of external forces on the damped Harmonic Oscillator. We considered only the Sinusodial driving forces. In this lecture, we will consider the non-Sinusodial (yet periodic) driving forces applied on the Damped Harmonic oscillators.
11.1 EXAMPLE (on Electrical analog of the Mechanical Vibrations)
11.2 Non Sinusodial Forces: Principle of Superposition
Find the PDF Here. In the PDF, we explained, once we decompose the force function in to its Fourier Components, how to solve the equation of the motion.
The basic idea is: Any periodic function can be expanded in terms of pure sinusodial functions as shown in the following CDF.
The above CDF was created by Thushari Jayasekera